- 人间仙洞 别有洞天
1.Civilizationisthemostbeautifulscenery. 2.Thejourneyislong,accompaniedbycivilization. 3.Travelisbeautiful,andcivilizationisanytime,anywhere. 4.Civilizationtravelstheworld,happyyou,meandhim. 5.Everyflowerandeverytreeisascene,andeverywordanddeedshouldbecivilized. 6.Travelingallovertheworld'smountainsandrivers,leavingonlyastringoffootprints. 7.Etiquetteistaughtwhenyoutravel,andyoumustfollowthecustomswhenyouenterthecountryside. 8.Nolittering,andcivilizedmanners. 9.Seemorebeautifulscenery,donotengravereputation. 10.Peaceisblessing,civilizationisgold.
If there is no civilization to accompany you on the journey, even if you encounter the most beautiful scenery, the journey will not be perfect.
Therefore, if you want to enjoy the beauty of travel, don’t forget to bring civilization with you on the road!
Civilization is a beautiful landscape. Beauty exists not only in landscapes, but also in our actions. Gorgeous scenery is a kind of beauty, and civilized behavior is also a kind of beauty.
With love for selfishness, love for public property.
When traveling, you should start from yourself, take care of the surrounding environment and facilities as you would your own personal belongings, and look at the relationship between people and nature from a harmonious and developmental perspective. Civilized tourism not only gives oneself a good mood, but also spreads the truth, goodness and beauty, and shows the water, soil and human feelings of one's own side.
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